Monday, November 1, 2010

Song that makes me cry?

There are songs in this world that for no apparent reason can hit you like a ton of bricks:  a pop song that will not leave your brain, a song with a great beat that you bounce to all day, a lyric that crumbles you, a lyric that uncovers truths, a song that makes you smile, and then the song that makes you cry.  The song that I am linking to makes me cry--I don't even know why.  If I had to give a reason, I guess I would just say I think that it is beautiful (corny I know).  It makes me think; it inspires me to reflect--to relive moments or push thoughts of the future into my heart, my mind.  For me the song is life:  it slowly builds, reaches a high point, and then slows into aftermath and contemplation.  It is life in the long run and life as moments occur--I like to think of it as any great occasion: Thanksgiving, Vacation, Love, etc.  I love the build of life, the anticipation of potential--I love knowing the great moment, looking around and saying to yourself "remember this"--I love the reflection, the stories, the remembering.  This song does all of this for me.  Maybe it will for you--Maybe it won't.  I guess in the end--the song just overwhelms me, in a good way.


  1. It's interesting how music in general,can instantly just change your mood.

  2. it's also amazing how, no matter what your doing, music can make you stop and remember.
