Friday, October 22, 2010

Best Joke EVER!


  1. What's pink and fluffy?
    Pink fluff

    What's blue and fluffy?
    Pink fluff holding it's breath

  2. Mr. Panarella... that's a little inappropriate.

  3. A man was drowning in the middle of the ocean when a boat came up and the driver asked if he needed help. The man replied "No thank you, God will save me." The boat went away and another one came and the driver asked if he needed help to which the man replied "No thank you, God will save me." The boat went away and a THIRD boat came and the driver again asked if the drowning man needed help and the man replied "No thank you, God will save me."

    The man later drowned and went to heaven and approached God and asked why he did not save him. God answered, "You idiot I sent three boats!"

  4. Two muffins where sitting in an oven. The first muffin said, "Wow it's hot in here"
    The second muffin said, "Oh my god! A talking muffin!"
    By the way, Mr Panarella,It would be cool if you posted those two Halloween stories
