Friday, October 22, 2010

Best Joke EVER!

Monday, October 18, 2010

In our own way
Watch the video provided by the link above: 
So you are probably doubled over in laughter right now--you probably watched it twice--you probably went from that is hilarious to that dog is crazy.  That was my train of thought while watching it.  My favorite part of the video is when the dog shifts its bone to the ledge of the couch in order to hide the bone from his enemy.  I love the dramatic -  slow - ominous - impending paw suspensefully slide across the screen (a hitchockian action).  I know I should just end here; I should just leave a funny video funny, and not extrapolate any meaning or information from it, but I can't.  I can't stop thinking about how as a society we bite our own foot out of jealousy or greed or fear.  How many times have you seen someone sabotage their happiness because they couldn't just accept it?  I know that I get suspicious of happiness--that I look around for reasons why it shouldn't remain or exist (while writing that I realize how messed up that is).  I think that sincerity has gone by the wayside, and we are left in incredulity: we believe in want and need because we fear actual complacency.  I know complacency has a negative connotation to it, but why can we not just accept a moment of satisfied happiness, a glimmer of personal truth:  a this is me being happy vulnerability.  I know that there will always be pain and confusion in the world (that is inevitable), but I just want you, and me, and the world to enjoy the bone that we deserve without getting in our own way.  (Sorry for the rant)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Poem from this Week - (thanks to EE Cummings)


I like overcast pushing into the night—(say put on the jacket)
the speed of clouds blizzarding origin (blankets
to shut out the light)—
You sit close (we speak into our wine/
your brown eyes dip red, spill us):

we exist on the front porch (existed, existing)
deep into the collidingnight,
just the grow ingwind, just.

The neighbor’s dog peaks curious, mouth agape we pant
Breaks                         in silence, bones in our mouths
the spiced night tastes—we age curious and quickly
in peaked barks.  (He satisfied with security turns
until satisfied and plummets into thenight)in turn
we circle each other
into each other’s hands.

What’s in a treebranch, in the fall? “except nothing?”
--they (the treebranches) dangle inevitability like
icicles, their steeped (only moments) browns and reds
falling, fallen.

An empty stomach speaks (in silence) to you, (so late
in the evening) and dinner sits lazily on the kitchen table:
you (an apparition)
bring out a cut of meat and bite into it

chewing into the clouds (a transient

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Sonnet

I love the fact that someone might be reading what I write--I love it so much, I cannot stop posting.  Here is a sonnet that I wrote last year after reading way too much Pablo Neruda (if you do not know who that is, you have to RIGHT NOW read some of his sonnets). 


Crush prairie wind—strike from stasis clutched
buds of legacy, what past, what passed—Oh, travelled
moisture of unknown spit of lover’s kiss fire struck
In a blood petal that leafs into the next generation—
that’s where we meet, that’s where we met;

somewhere on the cusp of being and letting go—
between the azure waves that break, that bring

and take away.

Your skin glistens in the erosion—the dullness of
your earthy past gone, specks to find you—
a paved design, a fated understanding of a lilac path—
our blood crushed in its purple lineage.

That’s where we meet—deep in a blossoming wind,
that pushes us further from and to each other.

Places o Death

I put down a link about 8 interesting burial places--I want you to look at the different places and then comment about one of them.  Write down what you think/feel.  Be interesting.
Places o Death


Sorry technology hates today--I appreciate all your effort and patience.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


You are to create a blog that has a personal truth to it--you need to create the version of you that will be interesting to the WORLD.  Have a perspective, Have a slant, Have an opinion--be you, Unique.  Show your love of words.