Thursday, October 7, 2010

Places o Death

I put down a link about 8 interesting burial places--I want you to look at the different places and then comment about one of them.  Write down what you think/feel.  Be interesting.
Places o Death


  1. I think the most interesting place to be buried is the underwater graveyard. I know it's boring and everyone always says they want to go in the ocean, but this is really cool. This time all the remains are mixed with cement, which is nice because I don't want people swimming in my ashes in Florida after I die. Also, being recognized for being alive with some kind of plaque makes it more special, because that's one of the downfalls of being cremated. When you're cremated there's nothing, no plaque, and your family puts you're remains in some urn, and I there to be a little knowledge that I was alive, even if its underwater. The idea of my final resting place as being underwater in Florida and being with all the sea life, well who can complain about that?

  2. I still think being made into a brick and put at Disney World would get you the best chances of being visited by your relatives.
